Shanghai resident Fiona Jiang began comparing prices when she wanted to buy a new Gucci handbag. She looked at the price tags in both physical stores and online shopping sites doing business in imported goods. Her conclusion: prices online were cheaper, and ordering and delivery were no obstacles to a digital purchase.
JOHNSON & Johnson said it would launch its incubator platform Johnson & Johnson Innovation JLABS in collaboration with Shanghai government to strengthen the local entrepreneurial ecosystem. JLABS@Shanghai will be its first overseas site outside its eight locations across North America, and the 4,400-square-meter facility will be located in Shanghai’s Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park and will open in the second quarter of 2019.
David Hoey is in the driving seat for a visit to Shanghai Shentong Group, the operator of Shanghai’s Metro. Hoey said the city had shown it is capable of hosting the 2021 WorldSkills Competition. Which city is chosen as host will be announced in October.
A delegation from WorldSkills International (WSI) confirmed that Shanghai has the capability and capacity to host the WorldSkills Competition in 2021 after a two-day visit to the city.
Source: SHINE Editor: Wang Qingchu
Two gold medal winners representing Shanghai at the 44th WorldSkills Competition were each rewarded with 500,000 yuan (US$75,780) and the professional qualification title of senior technician, authorities announced on Friday.
Yang Shanwei, a 20-year-old teacher at the Shanghai Yangpu Vocational and Technical School from Sichuan Province who won the gold medal in auto body repair, was also given the priority to register for Shanghai hukou, or permanent residence certificate.
The other winner was Pan Shenhan, an 18-year-old student at the Shanghai Urban Construction Engineering School who won the medal in flower arrangement, and he will enjoy favorable policy in seeking higher education.
Their technical adviser teams were also rewarded 500,000 yuan respectively.
Shanghai had six competitors participating in the competition held in Abu Dhabi in October and brought back two gold medals and two outstanding awards.
The other two players who won the outstanding awards and their technical adviser teams were granted 100,000 yuan respectively and the two competitors were also given professional qualification titles of technicians.
The rest competitors each got 50,000 yuan and had their professional qualification title promoted one level higher, while their adviser teams got 100,000 yuan respectively.
The winners also won honorary titles such as “May 4th Youth Medals,” “Shanghai Outstanding Young Dab Hand” and “May 1 Labor Medal” according to their achievements and status.
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